Prioritized lever 1: Strong Leadership and planning
Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL) is a state program in which training and support is provided to campus and district leaders to build the capacity of educators that they manage. The program consists of a suite of trainings intended to foster continuous improvement by helping campus and district administrators grow concrete instructional leadership skills in school-wide culture routines, and data-driven instruction, areas of observation and feedback.
TIL trainings are aligned with many of the best practices described in the Texas Education Agency's Effective Schools Framework. Education service centers that offer TIL trainings are among the approved vendors for schools seeking a technical assistance provider or capacity builder to support in the execution of a campus improvement plan. Region One Education Service Center is a Vetted Improvement Program (VIP) for schools seeking a technical assistance provider or a capacity builder.
Region One TIL Districts benefit from direct, on-hand access to exclusive training and support. Aligned with best practices from the TEA Effective Schools Framework, Region One ESC works diligently to build capacity among school leadership.
Currently, Region One ESC has assisted numerous school districts become A Rated. Contact us to be considered to receive services and join like-minded leaders that have fostered growth and improvement at their respective districts.