Prioritized lever 1: Strong Leadership and planning
Observation & Feedback
What is Observation & Feedback?
Observation & Feedback provides campus and district leaders opportunities to develop proficiency in establishing and coaching toward effective instructional practices in every classroom. It blends the practices and principles in Paul Bambrick-Santoyo’s book Get Better Faster: A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers with the T-TESS appraisal framework.
It introduces a paradigm shift in the way we view teacher observation, and suggests that the primary purpose of observation and feedback is not to evaluate a teacher but to develop them. In the Observation & Feedback module, you grow educators by letting them See It, Name It, and Do It – see a model of success, name the bite-size steps that lead to growth, and those steps to sharpen skills.
Data-Driven Instruction
Formative Assessment
Schoolwide Culture Routines
Critical Actions of Observation & Feedback
Observation & Feedback addresses key elements that target powerful techniques that make teaching more effective and the principles of coaching/feedback that transforms teacher practices and enhance student performance:
Develop Essential Routines and Procedures
Roll Out and Monitor Routines
Every Student
Set Routines
for Discourse
Lesson Plans
Give Students Opportunities for Independent Practice
to Student
Learning Needs
Benefits of Observation & Feedback
Observation & Feedback blends principles and practices of Paul Bambrick Santoyo’s “Getting Better Faster” with the TTESS framework to develop and sharpen skills. Instructional Leaders effectively coach teachers to elicit change and excellence. They help teachers think through and break down the most critical actions teacher must take to strengthen practice and achieve outstanding academic results.