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Lesson Alignment and Formative Assessment

Observation & Feedback
Data-Driven Instruction

What is Formative Assessment

Texas Instructional Leadership provides a core piece in ensuring high quality planning and locking in effective daily and weekly formative assessments. A key piece to effective planning of effective instruction is that curriculum plans, and assessments work together.


TIL trains leaders how to guide their teachers to craft rigorous and aligned daily and weekly assessments that will support analysis of student mastery and gaps, and how to coach their teachers to master the skills of assessment writing and analysis to ensure their continuous improvement in designing formative assessments by using: aggressive monitoring & show call, responding to formative assessment with reteach, and coaching formative assessment.

Note: Lesson Alignment is a pre-requisite to the Formative Assessment Module; they are paired to work hand in hand.

Schoolwide Culture Routines

Critical Actions of Formative Assessment

Data Driven Instruction addresses components of effective data meetings that include:

Preparing to


Data Meetings

Practicing and Simulating Effective

Data Meetings

Planning Types of Reteach: Modeling and Guided Discourse

Benefits of  Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment (FA) ensures that teachers develop highly-aligned rigorous lessons designed for student mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. FA promotes a common vision, develops expertise and promotes practice for educational leaders to create and monitor effective daily objective-driven lessons that lead to strong execution of initial classroom instruction.

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