Prioritized lever 1: Strong Leadership and planning
Schoolwide Culture Routines
Why is School Culture Important?
Culture is not formed by motivational speeches or statements of values. It is formed by the repeated practice of good habits. Leaders of schools with strong student culture don’t achieve it through sheer force of personality. They develop a vision for each part of the school day, and then bring their vision for excellence to life by building systems that enable teachers, students, and anyone else on their campus to know what they should be doing at all parts of the day with a high level of detail. They lead with their consistency and by calmly modeling for staff how to maintain emotional constancy and reset expectations when procedures break down.
The School-wide Culture Routines Module trains leaders to develop their cultural vision and the systems to bring that vision to reality, monitor it throughout the year, and how to intervene when necessary to ensure it stays strong.
Observation & Feedback
Data-Driven Instruction
Formative Assessment
Critical Actions of Schoolwide Culture Routines
Data Driven Instruction addresses components of effective data meetings that include:
See It
Craft a Vision
Anticipate the Gap
Name It
Define a Minute-by-Minute Plan
Set Goals and Deadlines
Develop a Rubric
Do It
Plan the Roll-Out
Practice the Roll-Out
Monitor and Follow-up
Benefits of Schoolwide Culture
Schoolwide culture routines bring the mission and vision to life. Typical school routines include: morning arrivals, hallway transitions, lunch, afternoon dismissal, restroom breaks, staff meetings, classroom specials, nurse visits, and school busing. Strengthening school culture and routines will maximize instructional time and develop effective habits to ensure the safety of students and staff. Rethink your routines and procedures to ensure a strong start to the school year.